Safe Holidays
Here, you will find information on the safety guidelines that the hotel follows in order to guarantee that you enjoy a peaceful stay with us. We implement the anti-Covid measures set out by Federalberghi Pisa, as approved by the North-West Tuscany Local Health Authority.
General principles for the sanitisation of rooms (source: Italian Ministry of Health)
- Scientific evidence demonstrates the coronaviruses can be rendered inactive by appropriate sanitisation procedures that include the use of hospital disinfectants such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach) (0.1% -0.5%); ethanol (62-71%); or hydrogen peroxide (0.5%), for an adequate contact period.
- In accordance with the indications provided by the World Health Organisation, the “careful cleaning of indoor surfaces with water and detergent, followed by the application of disinfectants commonly used in hospitals (such as sodium hypochlorite)” constitutes an effective, sufficient procedure.
Daily monitoring of the staff
- Every time they enter the hotel, the staff members have their temperature checked; anyone with a temperature in excess of 37.5°C is not permitted to enter.
- Any staff members already on-site who start to display the symptoms of COVID-19 are isolated in a safe place and the health authorities are then immediately alerted.
- The changing rooms used by the staff members are sanitised on a daily basis. All of the staff are required to wash their hands frequently with soap and water, or sanitise them frequently using hand-sanitising gel.
Reception area
- The reception desk is protected by an anti-droplet screen.
- The large lobby enables social distancing of more than 2 metres.
- At the reception desk, hand-sanitiser is available for use by guests and members of staff.
- Every night, the reception area is sanitised using sodium hypochlorite (bleach) spray, as are the lifts and the entranceway.
Communal areas
- Sanitising gel is available at the entrance to every lift, on every floor; at the entrance to each of the hotel’s two meeting rooms; and at the entrance to the breakfast room, the reception area and the public bathrooms.
- All of the public areas are equipped with horizontal signage to ensure social distancing in the hotel’s various corridors.
Public bathrooms
- The public bathrooms are sanitised by the staff members multiple times every day using chlorine-based sanitising detergents.
- Every two weeks, the public bathrooms are sanitised using sodium hypochlorite-based disinfectant spray.
- At the entrance to the bathrooms, a printed register records the date and time of the latest sanitisation, filled in and signed by the staff members who carry out the operation.
- The floors are sanitised on a daily basis with chlorine-based sanitising detergents. The handles, button panels and other surfaces are sanitised using alcohol-based sanitising detergents.
- On a weekly basis, curtains, duvets, conditioning filters and all of the surfaces with which guests come into contact are sanitised by spraying them with cleaning products based on sodium hypochlorite (bleach).
- Every two weeks, all of the bedrooms are sanitised using ozone.
- The hotel is equipped with an electronic register in which the staff members record the date and time of the sanitisation of each room.
Bar and breakfast room
- The two rooms are sanitised on a daily basis by means of a sodium hypochlorite (bleach) spray.
- During service, the tables and chairs are sanitised manually by the staff using appropriate alcohol-based cleaning products.
Meeting rooms
- At the end of every session, the meeting rooms are sanitised by means of a sodium hypochlorite (bleach) spray.
- The hotel is equipped with an electronic register in which the staff members record the date and time of the sanitisation of each room.